
Latest publications

Green bonds to facilitate circular bioeconomy in urban centers (12/31/2024)

Green bonds to facilitate circular bioeconomy in urban centers

Wastewater reuse in Pakistan: highlights of recent literature reviews (12/31/2024)

Wastewater reuse in Pakistan: highlights of recent literature reviews

Future research directions for understanding the interconnections between climate change, water scarcity, and mobility in rural Central Asia (12/31/2024)
Journal Article

Future research directions for understanding the interconnections between climate change, water scarcity, and mobility in rural Central Asia

Framing policy coherence toward improving climate-adaptive water productivity in Egypt (12/31/2024)

Framing policy coherence toward improving climate-adaptive water productivity in Egypt

Report on the monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA) of the circular bioeconomy innovation hub in Ghana (12/31/2024)

Report on the monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA) of the circular bioeconomy innovation hub in Ghana

Teal-WCA: a climate services platform for planning solar photovoltaic and wind energy resources in West and Central Africa in the context of climate change (12/21/2024)
Journal Article

Teal-WCA: a climate services platform for planning solar photovoltaic and wind energy resources in West and Central Africa in the context of climate change

Threshold-based flood early warning in an urbanizing catchment through multi-source data integration: satellite and citizen science contribution (12/20/2024)
Journal Article

Threshold-based flood early warning in an urbanizing catchment through multi-source data integration: satellite and citizen science contribution

Flood adaptation and mitigation in the Awash Basin: responding to new climate patterns (12/20/2024)

Flood adaptation and mitigation in the Awash Basin: responding to new climate patterns

Value of quality controlled citizen science data for rainfall-runoff characterization in a rapidly urbanizing catchment (12/20/2024)
Journal Article

Value of quality controlled citizen science data for rainfall-runoff characterization in a rapidly urbanizing catchment

Multimodel and multiconstituent scenario construction for future water quality (12/20/2024)
Journal Article

Multimodel and multiconstituent scenario construction for future water quality

Celebrating IWMI at 40: learning from our history, turning to the future (12/17/2024)

Celebrating IWMI at 40: learning from our history, turning to the future

Inception: the creation of an international water management institute, 1969-1984 (12/17/2024)

Inception: the creation of an international water management institute, 1969-1984

IWMI Annual report 2023 (12/16/2024)
IWMI Annual Report

IWMI Annual report 2023

Using global datasets to estimate flood exposure at the city scale: an evaluation in Addis Ababa (12/11/2024)
Journal Article

Using global datasets to estimate flood exposure at the city scale: an evaluation in Addis Ababa

Participatory planning to conserve freshwater ecosystems in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Ethiopia (12/11/2024)
Journal Article

Participatory planning to conserve freshwater ecosystems in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Ethiopia

Citizen science data to improve rainfall-runoff model performance in urbanizing Akaki Catchment, Awash Basin, Ethiopia (12/11/2024)
Journal Article

Citizen science data to improve rainfall-runoff model performance in urbanizing Akaki Catchment, Awash Basin, Ethiopia

Why we need to fix the global energy governance architecture (12/06/2024)

Why we need to fix the global energy governance architecture

From livestock herding to cooperative farming in the Somali communities of Dolo Ado and Bokolmayo districts of Ethiopia (12/06/2024)

From livestock herding to cooperative farming in the Somali communities of Dolo Ado and Bokolmayo districts of Ethiopia

Multidimensional Digital Inclusiveness Index: dimensionality reduction for improved applicability in Digital Agri-solutions (12/05/2024)

Multidimensional Digital Inclusiveness Index: dimensionality reduction for improved applicability in Digital Agri-solutions

MDII Scoring Dashboard (version 1.00): a tool for visualizing digital inclusiveness and innovation performance (12/04/2024)

MDII Scoring Dashboard (version 1.00): a tool for visualizing digital inclusiveness and innovation performance

Fostering inclusive water use and productivity in South Africa and Malawi through VIA’s Chameleon Water Sensor (12/04/2024)

Fostering inclusive water use and productivity in South Africa and Malawi through VIA’s Chameleon Water Sensor

Limpopo River Basin Digital Twin Open Data Cube Catalog (12/04/2024)

Limpopo River Basin Digital Twin Open Data Cube Catalog

Advancing water security in Africa with new high-resolution discharge data (11/30/2024)
Journal Article

Advancing water security in Africa with new high-resolution discharge data

Integrating groundwater recharge solutions across the Ramganga Basin, India: a rural-urban approach (11/30/2024)

Integrating groundwater recharge solutions across the Ramganga Basin, India: a rural-urban approach

Toward an integrated approach to food security and nutrition in Cambodia (11/30/2024)

Toward an integrated approach to food security and nutrition in Cambodia

Does financial inclusion enhance farmers' resilience to climate change? Evidence from rural Ethiopia (11/30/2024)
Journal Article

Does financial inclusion enhance farmers' resilience to climate change? Evidence from rural Ethiopia

India’s water future in a changing climate (11/30/2024)
Books / Monograph

India’s water future in a changing climate

Water governance in the Cambodian Mekong Delta: the nexus of Farmer Water User Communities (FWUCs), Community Fisheries (CFis), and Community Fish Refuges (CFRs) in the context of climate change (11/30/2024)
Journal Article

Water governance in the Cambodian Mekong Delta: the nexus of Farmer Water User Communities (FWUCs), Community Fisheries (CFis), and Community Fish Refuges (CFRs) in the context of climate change

Food system governance in the Cambodian Mekong Delta: food production, food security, migration, and indebtedness (11/30/2024)
Journal Article

Food system governance in the Cambodian Mekong Delta: food production, food security, migration, and indebtedness

Experimental drought forecast for Limpopo River Basin (11/30/2024)

Experimental drought forecast for Limpopo River Basin