CGIAR Initiative: Aquatic foods

The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods aims to build the resilience of aquatic food systems and unlock their full potential for nature, people and climate — by scaling research and innovations.

This Initiative will tackle systemic challenges such as data gaps, power asymmetries, water resource mismanagement, limited research investment and missed opportunities for scaling through agricultural innovation systems.

Working closely with research partners in fisheries and aquaculture, civil society, industry, and governments, the Initiative will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the production of aquatic foods, and enhance ecological and social resilience through development and dissemination of improved fish strains, better management practices, integrated fish-rice production systems, and fish-friendly irrigation systems.

Aquaculture Decision Support Tool (Aqua-DST) Dashboard Visualization Viewer
This decision support tool helps identify priority areas for aquatic food production systems in the Upper Ayeyarwady river region of Myanmar.

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