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UNFSS Independent Dialogue in Pakistan


April 21, 2021    
10:00 am - 12:30 pm


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Role of Water-Energy-Food Nexus for achieving food security in a changing climate for Pakistan

Meeting platform: Zoom (Will be shared soon), By invitation only

Join us for an Independent Dialogue convened by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and partners to discuss water‐energy‐food (WEF) nexus approaches to achieve food systems transformation in Pakistan. Insights emerging from this national, multi‐stakeholder forum will be presented to the United Nations Food System Summit (UNFSS) in September 2021. Transforming #foodsystems is among the most powerful ways to make progress towards all 17 #SDGS. Expected key outcome of this dialogue would be getting involved and sharing the views of stakeholders across Pakistan on sustainable foods systems transformation and importance of WEF nexus in a changing climate. Reaching a common understanding of the challenges and finding local solutions to the challenges facing food and water systems transformation along with attendant issues of water security for a range of other sectors will be explored.

The session is designed to be interactive, allowing for small group discussion, collective brainstorming, and agenda‐setting. As the region maps out the road to UNFSS 2021, this Dialogue will focus on the role of water and energy in food systems transformation. Speakers and panellists from across the world and the region will discuss how systems transformation for equitable food and water security in Pakistan can be achieved. The dialogue will provide a knowledge platform to better understand water‐energy‐food nexus under a changing climate and guidance to develop more climate‐resilient water and land solutions at multiple scales (farm, irrigation system, basin, country, and regional) in Indus Basin. The outcome of this dialogue will support climate adaptation interventions at various scales leading to reduce water consumption from the agriculture sector in the Indus Basin.

This dialogue is based on invitation and participants are expected to present from Key line Ministries and Agencies of Pakistan Government, National Research Institutions, , FAO, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Universities, NGO’s, Private Sectors and Development Partners including CG Centers (IFPRI, ICARDA, and CIMMYT).

Provisional program: Curators: Dr Mohsin Hafeez, CR, IWMI

Introduction, scene-setting, and order of the day Curator mins
The Road to UNFSS2021: Achieving water and food security Video from Joachim von Braun (Chair of the Scientific Group for the UNFSS) 3-5 mins
The Road to UNFSS2021: The role of water in food systems transformation Dr Mark Smith (DG, IWMI) 10 mins
Progress and challenges in achieving SDG 2: Zero Hunger in Pakistan, and implications for water, energy and food security Mr. Ghufran Memon, Secretary Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFS&R) 10 mins
Introduction to break-out groups Curator 5 mins
8 Breakout group discussion All 75 mins
Plenary discussion on feedback from break-outs All 30 mins
Wrap-up of key messages and next steps TBC 10 mins

Language: English.

Dialogue is expecting to gather around hundred participants/stakeholders of the region and discuss topic in identified following eight breakout working groups.

Thematic areas of breakout group discussions:

  1. Moving towards low carbon energy for food production
    Key question: How can we sustainably produce more food in the region using low greenhouse gas energy sources?
  2. Climate change impacts on water and food security
    Key question: How can we sustainably enhance food security without compromising water security in the context of climate change?
  3. Policy coherence and institutional coordination in water, food, energy and climate change that operationalize the WEF nexus
    Key question: What practical steps can/should be taken to ensure policy coherence and institutional coordination to improve water, energy and food security in the region?
  4. Advancing technical WEF models, tools and frameworks for decision making at multiple scales
    Key question: How can WEF nexus models/tools facilitate new understanding of interdependencies and trade‐offs in the WEF nexus, as well as foster data sharing and enhanced decision‐making in the region?
  5. Enhancing resilience of water system across multi‐sector (agriculture, domestic, industry and environment) demands:
    Key question: How do we build more resilient food and livelihood systems while protecting critical water sources, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services while satisfying growing water demand?
  6. Socio‐Economic Benefits of WEF Nexus
    Key question: What steps needs to be taken to assess the benefits and trade‐offs across sectors, especially from a socio‐economic point of view (employment, health, migration, equity, GDP, etc)?
  7. Community approaches to operationalise the WEF nexus
    Key question: How can we promote equity and inclusion in WEF nexus governance to create opportunities for transformation towards more just food, water and energy systems?
  8. Trading in the WEF nexus across scales
    Key question: How do we build resilience in interconnected food systems, from local to global scales?



About the UNFSS Dialogues

The Food Systems Summit Dialogues are an approach for enabling systematic, inclusive opportunities for stakeholders to be engaged in food systems. The approach enables participants to contribute to the 2021 Food Systems Summit by building on efforts already underway, working together on pathways that lead to sustainable food systems, and setting out intentions and commitments in the run up to the Summit. These Dialogues contribute to shaping the pathways which will lead to equitable and sustainable food systems by 2030. They will also be valuable to the different work streams preparing for the Food Systems Summit: the Action Tracks, Scientific Groups and Champions as well as for other Dialogues.

The Dialogues are moments for: engaging actors in the food systems approach, in unusual ways; enabling them to explore ideas together; encouraging creativity, emphasising equity; emerging more powerfully through connections; elaborating pathways, intentions and commitments together.

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and global and regional partners have committed to host a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues that emphasise water’s transformative role in food systems. The objective is to bring the discussion on food and water systems in a changing climate to the global policy level and to provide tangible inputs into the discussion of the UNFSS.