HomeInternational Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Editor’s picks: Our favorite stories of 2024

In 2024, we published over 150 stories on topics including digital twins, drought, and urban wetlands. Here are our favorites.

Blue Peace Central Asia

Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative 2.0 - Phase 1

High Resolution Climate Change Downscaling for Resilient Nature Based Water Solutions in the MENA region

This webinar will present the key results of the Al Murunah project's high-resolution and bias-corrected climate change downscaling.

Climate-Water-Nexus: Integrated water resource management in the Niger River Basin

Climate-Water-Nexus: Integrated Water Resource Management in the Niger River Basin

Global partnership for sustainable cooperation on shared waters

Global Partnership for Sustainable Cooperation on Shared Waters

Drought Resilience +10 (DR+10)

Integrating knowledge & practice for drought resilience

Creating a roadmap in the Songwe to unlock its potential

In the face of multiple challenges, collaborative efforts are essential to navigate the complexities of sustainable basin management.

Greening gray infrastructure: uncovering the complexity of Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are a hot topic in environment and landscape planning networks. But are they a silver bullet for solving the climate crisis?

Al Murunah

Building Climate Resilience through Enhanced Water Security in MENA

Modern tools and ancient smarts

Al Murunah’s unique approach to climate adaptation and development combines nature-based solutions with agricultural water management interventions and a gender perspective.

NEXUS Gains Talk 14: Integrating Water Storage: First Steps in Assessment, Progress toward Incentives

This online NEXUS Gains session at World Water Week will drill down into two practical aspects of how integrated water storage can be realized.