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Global workshop for integrated monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation

Global workshop for integrated monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water and sanitation


November 21, 2017 - November 24, 2017    
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Circus Theater
The Hague, Scheveningen, Netherlands

Concept and agenda

  • Enhance technical and institutional country capacity for monitoring
  • Compile country data and report on global progress towards SDG 6

The first phase of work (2015-2018) is focusing on the development of monitoring methodologies and the establishment of a global data baseline for all of the SDG 6 global indicators. During 2016 draft methodologies underwent pilot testing and external expert review, and were revised based on feedback received. In 2017 efforts are focused on country capacity building and collecting data towards a global data baseline for SDG 6.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a platform, for countries and United Nations entities, for sharing experiences and reviewing results from baseline data collection efforts, and for learning and preparing for future monitoring.

The expected results of the workshop are the following:

  1. Exchange of experiences from SDG 6 baseline data collection in countries, including the identification of key success factors and challenges, with a specific focus on aspects related to:
    1. institutional structures and processes
    2. the analysis and use of data
    3. integration across SDG 6
    4. sustainability of monitoring efforts
  2. Feedback on the global compilation of SDG 6 baseline data in 2016/2017 by custodian agencies, both related to the compilation process and to the preliminary results
  3. Feedback and awareness-raising on synthesized SDG 6 reporting and the need for alignment of national, regional and global reporting efforts
  4. Fostering of communities of practice for SDG 6 monitoring (regional and technical)
  5. Awareness-raising for country engagement in global monitoring in 2018 and beyond
  6. Advice on priorities for the next phase of work of the UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (2018-2021)

More information is available on the ihp-hwrp.nl website.