Remote Sensing for Water Productivity (WaPOR)
The outcome of the extended Remote Sensing for Water Productivity (WaPOR) project is defined as “Increased capacity of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Members (Member Nations and Member Organizations) in monitoring terrestrial biomass production and evapotranspiration to assess and improve land and water productivity in rainfed and irrigated agriculture, and contribute to sustainable crop production intensification adapted to a changing climate.”
The three major outputs of the project are:
- Consolidated open-access information and related operational services on the terrestrial soil water balance and agricultural land and water productivity, including refinement and expansion towards global coverage of the spatial scales, and creation of longer time series (Spatial database).
- Strengthened capacities of FAO Members to assess land and water productivity aimed at informed decision making for improved agricultural practices and efficient water management by multiple stakeholder groups to minimize impacts and adapt to climate change and other environmental and societal changes (Capacity development).
- Compendium of implementable solutions and tools, co-developed with various stakeholders at different operational scales, from farm to the national level, to effectively increase land and water productivity in agriculture sustainably at field level as well as to support water management, water governance and agricultural policies (Compendium of implementable solutions and tools).
Data Portal: Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data (WaPOR)

Government of Netherlands
Government of Netherlands
United Nations (UN) > Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
United Nations (UN) > Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Project leader
Petra Schmitter
Petra Schmitter
Water, food and ecosystems
Water, food and ecosystems
availability and allocation of water, capacity building, Climate change, education, geographic information system (gis), irrigation, rainfed agriculture, remote sensing, water productivity
availability and allocation of water, capacity building, Climate change, education, geographic information system (gis), irrigation, rainfed agriculture, remote sensing, water productivity
Official project name
Monitoring land & water productivity by Remote Sensing (WaPOR Phase 2) (Proj-ID-058)
Monitoring land & water productivity by Remote Sensing (WaPOR Phase 2) (Proj-ID-058)