Ruhuna benchmark basin activities: Proceedings of the inaugural meeting held at Peacock Beach Hotel, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, 15 June 2001.


Hemakumara, M.; Barker, R.; Droogers, P. (Eds.) 2001. Ruhuna benchmark basin activities: Proceedings of the inaugural meeting held at Peacock Beach Hotel, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, 15 June 2001. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. vi, 71p. [IWMI working paper 27]



This paper presents a Benchmark Basin initiative which was proposed in IWMI’s Strategic Plan 2001-2005 as an approach to understand and beneficially influence water resources development in selected basins in a variety of agro-ecological zones.The initial task represented by this workshop is to conduct a dialogue among partners and stakeholders in the Ruhuna Basin,Sri Lanka. A major objective is to identify these issues and research and also development activities considered to be of highest priority to partners and stakeholders.

ISBN: 92-9090-449-6