Basin-Level Use and Productivity of Water: Examples from South Asia.


Molden, D.; Sakthivadivel, R.; Habib, Z. 2001. Basin-level use and productivity of water: Examples from South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. v, 24p. (IWMI Research Report 49) [doi: 10.3910/2009.056]



Discusses and illustrates concepts for identifying ways of improving productivity of water within basins. The results of applying a water accounting procedure to four sub-basins in South Asia (Bhakra in India; Chishtian in Pakistan; Huruluwewa in nothern Sri Lanka; and Kirindi Oya in southern Sri Lanka) are presented. The methodology used identifies the quantities and productivity of various uses of water within a basin. This information is then used to identify the water-saving potential, and the means of improving the productivity of the managed supplies.


ISBN: 92-9090-425-9

ISSN: 1026-0862


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