Glacier systems and seasonal snow cover in six major Asian river basins: hydrological role under changing climate.


Savoskul, O. S.; Smakhtin, V. 2013. Glacier systems and seasonal snow cover in six major Asian river basins: hydrological role under changing climate. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 53p. (IWMI Research Report 150). [doi:10.5337/2013.204]



The hydrological roles of glaciers and seasonal snow in the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Mekong basins are, for the first time, assessed comprehensively at a major river basin scale in this paper. Contribution of glacier runoff, subdivided into renewable and nonrenewable components, and seasonal snowmelt to mean annual flow is evaluated for two time slices: 1961-1990 and 2001-2010. The recent changes of the hydrological roles of glaciers and snow, and the most likely changes of those under future climate change are analyzed.

ISBN 978-92-9090-769-5