A Plot of One’s Own: Gender Relations and Irrigated Land Allocation Policies in Burkina Faso.
Zwarteveen, M. Z. 1996. A plot of one’s own: Gender relations and irrigated land allocation policies in Burkina Faso. Washington, DC, USA; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) Also published in ICID, 16th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage: Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt, 1996. Transactions; Vol.1.B, Q46. R.4.02… New Delhi, India: ICID. 20p. (IIMI Research Report 10 / IWMI Research Report 10) [doi: 10.3910/2009.009]
Explores the effects of plots allocation on women’s labor contributions in the Dakiri irrigation system of Burkina Faso. Compares intra-household distribution of income derived from agricultural activities when men are the sole owners of plots to income distribution when both men and women within the same household own irrigated plots.
ISBN: 92-9090-338-4
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