The annual meeting of the Sub-sector Working Group on Irrigation in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Photo: IWMI
The annual meeting of the Sub-sector Working Group on Irrigation in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Photo: IWMI

The International Water Management Institute’s (IWMI) work in Attapeu province on solar-powered and farmer-led groundwater irrigation featured at the second semi-annual meeting of the Sub-sector Working Group on Irrigation in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Solar-powered systems are an effective means of irrigation during dry-season agriculture in off-grid and non-irrigated areas in Lao PDR. However, their deployment requires support such as training prior to handover, the development of user manuals, institutional support such as regular extension services, and community mobilization. During the meeting, participants also underscored access to financial and technical resources to encourage communities to make use of emerging business services for solar-powered irrigation.

IWMI, through the CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology and the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies, is helping to generate evidence-based research to support policy formulation. This includes developing community groundwater use management plans endorsed by the respective district authorities. These plans could facilitate equal access to water for crop cultivation and domestic use in addition to addressing challenges in water governance and utilizations. Implementation is already underway with the first dry season crop cultivation after the formal handing over of the groundwater irrigation system to beneficiary community last year. Strengthening community ownership in the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems is an ongoing effort.

More information

Read the report: Stakeholder Forum of the Sub-sector Working Group on Irrigation (SSWG-IR): The opportunities for solar-powered irrigation in Lao PDR

Publication: Sustainable water management: Community-managed solar groundwater in Laos