Partnerships the main driver at Cairo Water Week 2024

IWMI achieved a number of important milestones and showcased innovations for sustainable water management.

Solar lift irrigation to help marginalized farmers in Nepal

A feasibility study conducted in July 2024 showed that the project would deliver 90,000 liters of water a day 100 meters up from the river.

Water and conflict

Episode one of the Water and Conflict Podcast with CGIAR looks at water systems as a critical area affected by conflict and human displacement.

Water challenges in Adamawa State

Episode two of the Water and Conflict Podcast with CGIAR explores water challenges and the impact of the photovoice project.

The path to water security in Adamawa State

Episode three of The Water and Conflict podcast asks what needs to be done to advance resilience in communities of the internally displaced.

Misinformation deepens the impact of conflict and floods in Sudan

Misinformation is fueling confusion, delaying aid and putting more lives at risk as false narratives distort the true scale of the crisis.

Climate change and a national economic crisis are overworking rural women in Sri Lanka

Recognizing the labor of climate adaptation can lead to more equitable adaptation policies, according to IWMI research.

Climate change threatens water and sanitation facilities in Nepal

Inclusive collective action together with data-based decision-making can help to address climate vulnerabilities and low adaptive capacities.

Mind the gap

IWMI’s research shows that implementing interventions that promote inclusivity leads to long-term sustainability in landscape management.

Water at the forefront of One Health in Ethiopia

Ethiopia's Water Champions are helping to drive discussions on the complex interplay between water and health, including at the national level.

How self-help groups are empowering women amid out-migration

The groups are providing rural women with skills training leading to improved incomes as well as a greater say in local decision-making structures.

Dashboard to improve decision making on aquaculture expansion in Myanmar

The Aquaculture Decision Support Tool shows climate hazards, suitability, land use and waterbodies, and supply and demand conditions.

Women’s collectives as champions of climate-smart agriculture and water resilience

Collective action among women is found to enhance water efficiency, promote conservation and ensure equitable access to water.

Minister lauds collaboration with IWMI

IWMI's work in Northern Ghana helps planners and decision-makers to develop interventions that encouraged positive societal transformation.

Integrated agricultural water management is a game changer in mixed farming systems

In Ghana and Mali, IWMI promotes agricultural water management practices through scaling partnerships and demand-driven research.

Pioneering water reuse: Lebanon’s first national standards and their impact on agriculture

The success of these standards will depend on support from government agencies, international organizations, and the farming community. It will also require ongoing efforts to improve the country's wastewater infrastructure.

How can acting before crises reduce impacts on the most vulnerable?

In this episode of Global Dispatches, we look at Anticipatory Action (AA) as a transformative approach in fragile and conflict-affected settings. 

India Water Week 2024 underscores collective action for water security

The forum explored the role of partnerships, technology and community engagement in securing India’s water resources.

How can we responsibly scale innovations in fragile settings?  

Listen to the latest episode of Global Dispatches to find out how IWMI and partners help vulnerable communities escape cycles of fragility.

July-August 2024 Research Journal Roundup

Roundup of research, journal and other academic articles from July and August 2024.

Report – Countries must scale up the use of clean technologies to transform the global agricultural sector 

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems is crucial to keeping the world on track to meet international climate goals.

Global Dispatches podcast to explore water security in fragile situations

Tune in to Global Dispatches' "From Fragility to Stability with CGIAR."

Clarion call to maintain environmental flows to protect Nepal’s rivers

There is growing concern that most hydroelectric dams undermine regulations requiring a minimum 10 percent E-flow to sustain local ecosystems.

IWMI appoints Olufunke Cofie as Africa Director for Research Impact

New role will oversee research-for-development capabilities across Africa.