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Climate mitigation and adaptation pathways - Page 8

Alaraby.co.uk: Climate change and food insecurity – Groundwater will be key

Hotter and more unpredictable weather means the need to ensure water and food security in the region is becoming critical

From the Hindu Kush to the Indian Ocean

Closing knowledge gaps for climate adaptation

IWMI at the 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

IWMI is part of the 5th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka, October 17-19, 2016.

IWMI researchers visit Far West Nepal research sites

IWMI is conducting research for a project entitled ‘Watershed Hydrology Impact Monitoring Research’.

Regional Conference on Risks and Solutions

Adaptation Frameworks for Water Resources Planning, Development and Management in South Asia

India’s Climate Challenge

Innovation in water-use can build community resilience

Emergency response products for water disasters

Space-based information and rapid mapping for emergency response.

New monitoring system maps Bundelkhand drought

The Central Indian region of Bundelkhand is currently experiencing severe drought.

Facing up to the future

Water for agriculture in an era of climate uncertainty.

Sri Lanka Develops Cheap Rainfall Forecasting Device

AsianScientist (Mar. 19, 2015) - By Smriti Daniel - Scientists in Sri Lanka have developed mobile weather stations capable of capturing and transmitting near...

Technology alone is not a silver bullet

Storing water could help rural communities in Nepal, if socioeconomic factors are addressed.

IWMI-developed tool to give Sri Lanka advance warning of drought

Sri Lanka is only just emerging from a year-long drought that has wreaked havoc on the lives of around 10% of the population (link...

Getting more out of local knowledge

A series of public events put farmers at the heart of climate change discussions in Nepal.

Salvation for the saturated?

IWMI-led team launches a guide for the perplexed.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

To mark the UN’s World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought here’s a photo essay from Uzbekistan where the loss of the Aral Sea is affecting local climates and livelihoods.

IWMI interviewed on World Day to Combat Desertification by SBS Australia’s Sinhala program

Today is the World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD). The theme is ecosystem-based adaptation. IWMI’s Water Resources Engineer Nishadi Eriyagama spoke to SBS Radio, Australia,...

Ghana.gov: Ghana, Burkina Faso and Kenya WISE-UP to Climate Change

IWMI and its partners are working together over a four-year period to demonstrate that natural ecosystems or infrastructure are nature based solutions for climate change adaptation and sustainable development.

India’s climate challenge

Over a quarter of all rice production in just one of the river basins in India, the Godavari Basin, could be lost to climate change according to a new book, published today.

Women, Water & Leadership workshop: How to respond to the ‘feminization’ of agriculture in Nepal

Climate change is contributing to the ‘feminization’ of agriculture in Nepal, as falling farm yields continue to force large numbers of men to leave...

Wising up to wetlands and agriculture: Smarter policies promise the best of both worlds

Smarter policies promise the best of both worlds.

Harvesting cities: tapping the potential of urban agriculture

Historically, many governments have either ignored urban agriculture or limited it for health and safety reasons. But despite the lack of support, the sector has...

Sub-Saharan Africa: Making the case for groundwater

Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have always had to deal with an unforgiving climate. The relentless cycles of drought and downpours that characterize much...

Future-proofed: Smarter water use for an uncertain climate

Climate change will have a “profound” impact on water resources that could have serious knock-on effects for agriculture, according to a new report published by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) today.

No water in the well?

Southern Africa needs better groundwater management An estimated 39 million people living in member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are at risk...

CRI to address climate change impacts in Sri Lanka

The Coconut Research Institute is organizing an “International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations for Food and Environmental Security” in partnership with the...

EurekAlert.org: Climate change could deprive Volta Basin of water needed to boost energy and food production

ACCRA, GHANA (19 July, 2013)—A new study released today finds that so much water may be lost in the Volta River Basin due to...

Pond, tank or well?

People not just places determine the right choice for agricultural water storage in Africa The Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW) convened by the Forum for Agricultural...

Voices of the communities in Nepal

A new tv programme by IWMI, NEFEJ and villagers from Dhanusha District Background Men and women farmers are given a limited opportunity to voice their concerns...

Sri Lankan water history informs global climate change study

Modern farming practice of rainwater storage in ancient tanks lauded as best practice adaptation strategy Bonn, Germany. 14 JUNE 2013 —Whether it’s bracing for drought in...

No regrets for agriculture: Study urges new climate change policies

One of the biggest challenges policy-makers face when dealing with climate change adaptation and mitigation is the uncertainty of predictions. This often leads them...

A changing climate: Are the Volta River countries ready?

Threading its way from the semi-arid scrub of the Sahel, through the lush tropical farmlands of Southern Ghana, the Volta River supports the livelihoods...

United Nations: Humans should protect the environment and water sources

Report from UNEP and IWMI calls for improvement of agricultural technology and better use of ecosystems.