HomeUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Page 3
In the media
AgriLinks.org: Final report on Tajikistan water users association impact evaluation
USAID commissioned the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to examine the impact of USAID-supported WUAs created on sustained increases in resource productivity, food security and equity in southern Tajikistan.
In the media
Women and participatory irrigation in Tajikistan
The 'average' farmer in Tajikistan is female, due to high rates of male migration. IWMI's Soumya Balasubramanya makes the case for taking a comprehensive approach towards irrigation by considering the needs of both farms and homestead plots, in order to secure the production of food.
The road to climate resilience
Enabling rural communities to draw up action plans aimed at enhancing resilience to climate-related hazards through sustainable management of natural resources.
In the media
AgriLinks: Cultivating the habits of efficient water management in Central Asia
How the creation of water user associations has helped empower rural people to have a direct stake in irrigation management in Tajikistan.
Water for Food International Forum
Creating fertile ground for innovation in agricultural water management.
Making hazards into opportunities
What to do about too much and too little water in northern Ghana.
Groundwater over-abstraction in the MENA region
Can innovative policies and regulations be used to reverse the current trend of groundwater depletion?
Post-monsoon ecological sampling in the Karnali, Mahakali and Mohana river basins of Nepal
Environmental flows (EFs) are a means of understanding the quantity, quality and timing of water flows necessary to maintain a healthy ecosystem.
Digo Jal Bikas Update: Forming Partnerships Across Basins
Beginning research on a three-year long project that will establish a comprehensive understanding of the water resources of the Karnali and Mahakali basins.
Launch of new USAID-funded water resources assessment project
At the inception workshop, the project was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Dr. Prabhu Budhathoki, Member, National Planning Commission.
Press releases
Press Release: Developing the water resources of Western Nepal
A new project is being launched in Kathmandu that will help shape the future of water resources development in Nepal.
Smallholder irrigation taking root
USAID and Texas A&M team field visit to ILSSI sites in Ethiopia
Women, empowerment and the SDG targets
Gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment has featured prominently in development discourse for the last two decades and today comprises one of the sustainable development goals.
Floriane Clement
Floriane Clement
Pay Drechsel wins 2015 IWA Development Award
Scientist honored for work on wastewater and resource re-use in agriculture.
Irrigation development in Southern Africa
Moving in the right direction, but still room for improvement.
Back to the grassroots
New review paper explores the available knowledge and lessons learned from past experiences in promoting home gardens in Africa.
Raising the stakes
Why fences, crop rotation and water storage mean one farmer is no longer losing the plot in Northern Ghana.
Water tapped from feeder canal grew Sri Lanka’s largest wholesale market
Text and photos by Renuka Jeya Raj
Shouts echo through the vast hangars as burly men, their sarongs tucked over bulging bellies, scurry hither and...
IWMI wins 2011 Crystal Drop Award
The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the improvement of the world's water situation.
Thehimalayantimes.com: ICIMOD picks up future Director General
He has worked with USAID in Nepal, Egypt. Currently he is the Deputy Director General Research of International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Sri...
Eurekalert.org: Scientists unite to combat water scarcity; solutions yield more crop per drop in drylands
Starting with US$1 million from USAID, each of the countries taking part in the new initiative will begin implementing its own proposal for improving...
Medicalnewstoday.com: Scientists Unite To Combat Water Scarcity; Solutions Yield More Crop Per Drop In Drylands
Starting with US$1 million from USAID, each of the countries taking part in the new initiative will begin implementing its own proposal for improving...