rr158-hptThis study assesses the changing consumption patterns of rice in Bangladesh and its implications on water demand by 2030. Rice dominates food and water consumption patterns in the country; it contributed to 72% of the total calorie supply from food, and 81% and 79% of the total cropped and irrigated area, respectively, in 2010. Forecasts using time series models show rice demand for food consumption, which was 172 kg/person/year in 2008, will have a negligible increase by 2 kg/person by 2030.

Amarasinghe, U. A.; Sharma, B. R.; Muthuwatta, L.; Khan, Z. H. 2014. Water for food in Bangladesh: outlook to 2030. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 32p. (IWMI Research Report 158). [doi]

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