Vadodara/ Anand: Starting Tuesday, the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) will host a three-day international conference on Building Climate Resilience for Doubling Farmers’ Income’ at Anand.

Around 300 Indian and international scientists, experts, researchers, development professionals and policy makers will participate in the 9th IWMI-Tata Program Partners’ Meet. Besides presenting more than 100 new pieces of research in 15 thematic sessions, international experts, industry leaders, policy makers and renowned development professionals will deliver keynote addresses and participate in the deliberations.

The key speakers include Mihir Shah, former member of the Planning Commission, S Venkataramanan, managing trustee of Tata Trusts, Claudia Sadoff, director general of IWMI, Trilochan Mahapatra, director general of ICAR and Dilip Rath, chairman of NDDB among others.

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