Ruhuna benchmark basin activities:  Proceedings of the inaugural meeting held at Peacock Beach Hotel, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, 15 June 2001.


Hussain, I.; Raschid, L.; Hanjra, M. A.; Marikar, F.; van der Hoek, W. 2001. A framework for analyzing socioeconomic, health and environmental impacts of wastewater use in agriculture in developing countries. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. vii, 23p. [IWMI working paper 26]



This paper presents an approach for analyzing the socioeconomic,
health, and environmental aspects of urban wastewater use in peri-urban agriculture, using typical characteristics of a major city in a developing country. Peri-urban area of Faisalabad is chosen to represent this context.

ISBN: 92-9090-454-2


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