
Global - Page 4

IWMI Annual Report 2016

Water solutions for a changing world.

Raw waste water use on farms is ‘50% higher’ than estimated

IWMI study reveals the global use of untreated waste water from cities to irrigate crops is much more widespread than previously estimated.

ENS-Newswire.com: World Water Day Appreciates Precious Wastewater

Thinking like a business can help make waste management financially attractive and environmentally sustainable.

Banking on wastewater

IWMI enables societies to address challenges posed by wastewater by generating new knowledge on wastewater management, writes Jeremy Bird.

Guess what’s about to hit the fan!

A year of taking seriously the developing world’s wastewater crisis.

IWMI Annual Report 2015

A water-secure world

Better water, better jobs

What is the link between jobs and water?

Empowering Women for 50-50

International Women’s Day 2016 “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it up for Gender Equality”

Stephanie Leder

Measured mutuality

The SDG indicators for water cooperation.

Alan Nicol on social protection and water

CGIAR experts go live for World Food Day.

IWMI Annual Report 2014

Putting water at the heart of sustainable development.

Building on three decades of research

IWMI’s Director General Jeremy Bird looks forward to 2015.

Gender and agriculture

Bringing men and women together to reduce hunger and support livelihoods.

Salvation for the saturated?

IWMI-led team launches a guide for the perplexed.

IWMI signs MOU with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education

Organizations will collaborate to strengthen the global knowledge base for sustainable management of water, land and environmental resources.

World Water Day 2014: Water and Energy

A video and two recent articles reflect on the challenges and solutions linking water and energy.

Water and energy

On World Water Day, a reflection on the linkages between water and energy.

Message from Jeremy Bird on World Food Day 2013

Water plays a vital role in sustainable food systems, IWMI's Director General reminds.

Quick facts on water and tourism

How do they relate?

IWMI Annual Report 2012

Water solutions for smallholder success.

Aditi Mukherji receives inaugural Norman Borlaug Field Award

The award recognizes exceptional scientists under 40.

IWMI wins world’s most prestigious prize for water research

Stockholm Water Prize recognizes contributions to food security, economic development and environmental health around the world

CGIAR call for action at Rio+20

CGIAR calls for a focus on harmonizing food security and environmental sustainability through agricultural research and development.

IWMI researcher wins IWRA best paper award

Article offers new thinking on links between poverty, water and agriculture.

United Nations: Humans should protect the environment and water sources

Report from UNEP and IWMI calls for improvement of agricultural technology and better use of ecosystems.

Why we need environmental flows

In the latest video from the "Colin's STRAIGHTtalk" series Dr. Chartres talks about why we need environmental flows. Environmental flows describe the quantity, timing,...

David Molden receives CGIAR award for Outstanding Scientist

"Agriculture is both the cause and solution to many of the world's water problems," he stated.

David Molden wins PAWEES International Award

Award recognizes contributions in the field of rice paddy and water environment engineering.

IWMI Annual Report 1999-2000

Letter from the Board Chair Director General's Comment Research Papers and Concepts Seckler, D.; Amarasinghe, U.  2000.  Water supply and demand, 1995 to 2025.  In International...