Focused on food systems transformation

Growing maize with the help of an agro-well during the dry season in North East of Sri Lanka. Photo: Samurdhi Ranasinghe / IWMI
Growing maize with the use of well water during the dry season in northeastern Sri Lanka. Photo: Samurdhi Ranasinghe / IWMI

Researchers from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) played active roles at COP24, the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held over the last 2 weeks at Katowice, Poland. IWMI interventions centered mainly on an event series organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Called Agriculture Advantage 2.0, the series was designed to inform priorities for action aimed at “transforming food systems under a changing climate.”

IWMI researchers took part in sessions dealing with two key facets of this challenge. In the “Policy Advantage” event (“Enablers for food systems transformation”), Alan Nicol, leader of IWMI’s Sustainable Growth strategic program, presented a country case titled “Agricultural systems transformation through renewable energy policy interventions.” In the “CSA Investment”event” (“Climate Smart Agriculture: Identifying the Best Bets”), Giriraj Amarnath, leader of IWMI’s Water Risks research group, developed a case for CSA technologies in water management, such as water harvesting and more efficient irrigation.

See CCAFS News Blog posts on the Policy Advantage and CSA Investment Advantage events